Thursday, 29 June 2017

Rerading And Writing Whole Numbers

                                                  My Reflection

I had to copy the numbers from the slide into the calculator and tern the calculator over and we have to figerout what the word is. onece we find the word we have to take a photo of it and put the photo under the numbers that tale you what to write on the calculator. 

I can read numbers in written form.
I can also read numbers in expanded form. 

My next step is to read even bigger numbers and numbers with a decimal point. 

Speech Plan

                                                                     My  Refletion

Select relevant ideas for the purpose and audience
Give facts and examples to back up our opinions

I can brainstorm many ideas related to my topic
I am still learning to organise ideas into three or more groups
I am still learning to give three facts or examples to back up each opinion I have

My next step is to include more interesting facts.

Subtracting using tidy numbers

                                                         My Refletion
we had to do was write numbers under the number line. Then we had to use the number lines to get back to the tidy number.First we started at 55 and we went back 5 to 50 then we kept doing that till we got to 27. Then I counted all those numbers and I got my number.

I can identify what tidy numbers are.
I can correctly show working on a number line.

45 Sounds Of English

I had to do 45 sounds in 45 slides and evry day we did a sound that miss fisher choosed and we mosly had to do 5 words that had the sound at the begining and middle also at the end.


Monday, 12 June 2017

Questions and Non-fiction Texts

we had to read a book and write questions for the bigening middel and end. after that we had to chose 6 questions to answer. I can ask questions. I am still learning to identify the type of questions being asked. I can identify features of non-fiction texts and explain their purpose.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Stop and Dash

we had to do a poplet about party celebrations and then we had to put it on a slide show.
I want to do better next time thinking of better sentinses.
This was hard because I needed help all the way throe this stop and dash sentises.
I want to inprove on finishing faster and on time like evryone in the class.