Monday, 3 April 2017

Subject Start Sentences


  • Use a variety of sentence types in our writing
  • Use the subject start sentence

Success Criteria
  • Can correctly use the subject start sentence in a short story
  • Can explain the purpose for using it

Answer the following questions for your reflection
 we had to read the instrucstions and write some sentences to the picher in the slide.
What did you do well? writing the sentices for my slide and making funny ones.
How do you feel about it? I feel proud of me doing this work because it was hard for me.
What do you need to do next time or what else could you add so you achieve more of the success criteria? I want to work on
Can correctly use the subject start sentence in a short story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Akuhata. I like your sentences. Next time you could try starting your sentence with a different word than 'the'.