Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Book Review

My Reflection:
I was learning to write a book review. I found it easy remember the authors name. It was easy to do the rating. I found it hard to think of who I would recommend the book to. I think I need to work on adding more detail into my answers.

Thursday, 10 November 2016


My Reflection: I was learning about suffixes. I found it easy highlighting the suffix. I found it hard trying to find out what the word meant. I want to work on trying to find out what the sentence would be for the word and writing it down.

Flower Artwork

My Reflection:
I was learning to create a piece of art using multi-media. I found it hard to trace the pencil with a vivid onto the box.  I found it easy to paint the quarters onto my box. I want to work on creating better patterns on the box.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Doubling and Halving

My Reflection:
I was learning the doubling and halving strategy for multiplication questions.
I found hard trying to know which number to double and halve.
I found easy putting the dotes on to make the arrays.
I want to work on this strategy still.

Hockey Skills

My Reflection:  
I was learning about different skills during six hockey workshops. I have learnt Indian dribbling and passing. I found easy passing the ball to Kaan. I found hard trying to get away from other players. I want to work on to try and tackle someone that always tackle me.

My Speech

My Reflection I was learning to write a persuasive speech. I found it easy to think about my topic. I found it hard to find some research to use in my speech. I want to work on my researching skills.